Como ya no funciono correctamente para escribir con amor y calma, me fundo un nuevo lugar en el que planeo escribir pequeñas entradas dignas de un microblog excepto que... a veces son ligeramente más largas que 140 caracteres.

Y ya, eso es todo. El nuevo blog. Pásele a lo barrido.

lunes, 15 de junio de 2015

All around me are familiar faces
all graduating, all marrying
bright and early for their new babies

and I'm going nowhere, going nowhere...
my tears are filling up my glasses
no definite relationship

hide my head I wanna hide my sorrow
with you, no tomorrow

And I find it kind of funny, find it kind of sad
The dreams I had of us are dying, they're the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell I love you and I find it hard to take
When we just fuck in circles, 
it's a very, very sad world

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